'드링크워터'라는 성의 어원
2016-04-12   /   추천   짱창진(pppppppp777)


['드링크워터'라는 성의 어원]



(사진 : 드링킹 워터하는 드링크워터)



Drinkwater Name Meaning


English: nickname from Middle English drink water. In the Middle Ages weak ale was the universal beverage among the poorer classes, and so cheap as to be drunk like water, whereas water itself was only doubtfully potable. The surname was perhaps a joking nickname given to a pauper or miser allegedly unable or unwilling to afford beer, or may have been given in irony to an innkeeper or a noted tippler. Compare French Boileau, German Trinkwasser.


요약 : 중세시대에 영국 서민층은 물처럼 약한 술을 마셨음(가격이 저렴해서). 그래서 그 당시 빈곤층을 비하(?)할 때 드링크워터라는 별명을 붙임. 여기서 유래한 듯 함. 신기하쥬?



출처 : 사커라인 'D.BECKHAM'님 작성 글



